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Duodenal Switch

Duodenal switch, also known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS), is a weight loss surgery that involves both restriction and malabsorption.
It is considered a more complex and invasive procedure than other types of weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass, but it also results and improvement of obesity-related health conditions.
What is Duodenal Switch Surgery?
Duodenal switch surgery is a weight loss surgery that involves two main components: restriction and malabsorption. The first component, restriction, involves the surgical creation of a small stomach pouch that limits the amount of food that can be consumed. The second one, malabsorption, involves the rerouting of the small intestine to reduce the absorption of nutrients from food.
Candidates for Duodenal Switch
Duodenal switch surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that is typically recommended for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or for those with a BMI of 35 or higher with one or more obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.
Besides that, it is essential to note that duodenal switch surgery is a complex procedure, and not suitable for every patient. Patients should meet certain criteria to be considered a candidate for the surgery, these include:
- Being committed to making lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet and regular exercise
- Being willing to comply with long-term follow-up care
- Being failed previous weight loss attempts through diet, exercise, and medical weight loss programs
- Being willing to accept the risks and potential complications of surgery
- Being in good physical and mental health
- Being non-smoker
It is always good to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon who can help to determine if this procedure is the right choice for the patients. The decision should be made after carefully weighing the benefits and risks, recovery time, and the qualifications of a surgeon and based on the individual’s specific needs and goals.

Procedure of Duodenal Switch
The procedure begins with the patient receiving general anesthesia. The surgeon will then create a small stomach pouch by removing a large portion of the stomach using surgical staples or a surgical band. This new stomach pouch will be about the size of a golf ball and significantly reduces the amount of food that can be consumed.
Next, the surgeon will then reroute the small intestine by connecting the newly created stomach pouch to a lower portion of the small intestine, bypassing a large portion of the small intestine. This causes malabsorption, which reduces the absorption of nutrients from food, resulting in weight loss.
The bypassed portion of the small intestine is then connected to the final section of the small intestine, called the ileum. This allows for the bile and pancreatic enzymes to mix with the food, allowing for better absorption of vitamins and minerals. The procedure typically takes about 4 to 6 hours to complete, and patients can expect to spend several days in the hospital following the surgery, with a recovery time of several weeks at home.
Duodenal switch surgery results in significant weight loss and improvement in obesity-related health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. However, since this procedure is complex, there are some certain risks, such as bleeding, infection, blood clots, and nutrient deficiencies. These risks can be minimized by proper pre- and post-operative care, proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation, and close follow-up with the surgeon.
The benefits of duodenal switch surgery include significant weight loss, improvement in obesity-related health conditions, and improvement in quality of life.
Recovery of Duodenal Switch
The recovery time for duodenal switch surgery is generally longer than for other types of weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass. Patients can expect to spend several days in the hospital following the procedure, with a recovery time of several weeks at home. It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery.
If you want to lose weight and wonder if the Duodenal switch is the right choice for you, get a free consultation with Booking for Health now. A correct and healthy treatment process awaits you. Please contact us.