+90 533 813 89 77
Whatsapp Clarification
During this meeting, your personal data is processed byBOOKİNGHOSPİTAL COM DANIŞMANLIK VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ Company (“https://www.bookingforhealth.com/”) in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Personal Data Protection Law.
Recording your information during the interview and your personal data is processed for the purpose of providing the best service for you, and presenting offers over the data you shared during the interview with your explicit consent. Your personal data, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Law;
While your medical record is processed based on your explicit consent, other data of yours is processed for the purpose of establishing a contract. Your personal data may be shared with the organizations we work with and other organizations necessary for tourism. For more information and your rights under the Law, you can review the Personal Data Processing Policy on our website.